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West Coker CE VC Primary School
May 2024: Ofsted rating Good
”Welcome to our website and thank you for taking the time to find out more about our school. At West Coker, we are a small, welcoming and friendly village school, where we take pride in knowing our children well, meeting their differing needs and supporting their development as well-rounded young people. We celebrate effort, as well as success and we recognise and encourage all talents and abilities, not just the academic.
Our curriculum is aimed at developing compassionate and independent citizens of the future. We want all our children to be able to access their learning, and have invested in training staff to support children emotionally and developmentally to reduce these potential barriers.
We believe firmly that learning is best when it is meaningful and enjoyable, so work hard on delivering a creative and engaging curriculum. Our children tell us that they enjoy working together and teamwork is a theme that runs through our school.
You are very welcome to visit our school, by appointment, and see for yourselves what great work our children do!”
Philip Hyland, Head Teacher