
West Coker Primary School

In the 2023/2024 academic year, we have a key stage 1 class, and a key stage 2 class.

If you are considering applying for a place at West Coker primary school, we would be delighted to speak to you and arrange a tour of the school. Please contact the school office on 01935 862568.


Starting School – the ‘normal admissions round’

Children can start school the September after they turn four.  Applications for children to start school in September should be made via the Somerset County Council School Admissions website.

Apply to start school

All applications need to have been submitted by 15 January.

Our admission arrangements


Starting school 2023/2024

Oversubscription arrangements – If our PAN number (12 pupils within each year group) or our stated class sizes (no more than 30 pupils within a class) is exceeded then the school may instruct the local authority to refuse a place at our school. Parents / carers have the right of appeal. Our admissions policy can be found at the bottom of this page.



Changing School – the ‘in-year’ application process

In the 2023/2024 academic year, we are able to accept applications from pupils in all year groups.

You can apply for a place using the application form below.  Please return the completed ‘In year Application Form’ to