The purpose of the Governing Body


The purpose of the Governing Body is to help the school provide the best possible education for the pupils. It is accountable to those who established and currently fund the school and also the parents.


The Governing Body is a corporate entity and acts at all times in accordance with the requirements laid down by Acts of Parliament, statutory regulations and the school’s instrument and articles of government.
All Governors are either elected or appointed.  Nine Governors serve on the Governing Body of the school:
2 Ex-officio Governors (Headteacher; Minister of the Parish)
1 Parent Governors (Elected by parents of registered pupils at the school)
1 Staff Governor (Elected by staff at the school)
1 LEA Governors (Elected by the Local Authority)
1 Foundation Governor (Elected by St Martin of Tours Church and the Diocese of Bath and Wells)
3 Community Governors (Co-opted by Governing Body)
With the exception of Ex-officio Governors, all Governors serve a four-year term of office.
The Governing Body has a Clerk to Governors who provides administrative and organisational support.
Associate Governors: Governing bodies can benefit from the expertise and experience of people outside their formal governor membership by appointing associate members to serve on one or more committees or to attend meetings of the full governor body.


The duties of the Governing Body are extensive, these primarily include:


  • to help establish the aims and policies of the school
  • to decide the conduct of the school
  • to help draw up (with the Headteacher and staff) the School Improvement Plan
  • to help decide how the school’s budget is spent and monitor expenditure
  • to ensure that the National Curriculum and religious education are taught
  • to investigate formal complaints
  • to approve the School Prospectus
  • to select the Headteacher
  • to appoint, promote, support and discipline other staff
  • to act as a link between the local community and the school
  • to draw up an Action Plan following an OFSTED inspection and monitor how the plan is being put into practice.