Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
We aim to keep a high sporting profile at West Coker, which allows pupils to experience a wide variety of sports through an exciting range of intra-school activities, inclusive lessons and inter-school competitions. Therefore, our funding is used to provide appropriate equipment and high quality coaching to allow the pupils to access all areas of the curriculum and participate in sports they may not have played before such as curling, boccia, archery, dodgeball and quidditch. Furthermore, we use our premium to provide our pupils to participate in competitive competitions.
Additionally, the money is invested in providing an exciting range of curricular and extra-curricular opportunities, as well as providing professional development opportunities for our staff to enhance their own coaching skills.
We have our own dedicated school sports coach as a member of staff. They teach and coordinate the PE curriculum as well as organising and running after school clubs, coaching and competitions. There is also the opportunity for other members of staff to develop their skills by working alongside the coach.
PE and Sport Premium Expenditure
Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.
Below is the list of outcomes that should be fulfilled by all schools when utilising Sports Premium and what we are currently doing to meet these outcomes.
Develop or add to the PE and sport activities that your school already offers:
- We have employed a Teaching Assistant/Sports Coach, who is the P.E lead and will co-ordinate PE and extra-curricular sport, including competitive sport.
- We provide swimming opportunities for all children to support them in meeting the curricular requirements and the expected standard at the end of KS2.
- A subscription to the Yeovil School Games Association provides increased individual and team sporting opportunities and competitions you can find the link here.
- The purchase of additional sports equipment, such as curling, archery and vaults, provides an increased range of sporting experiences.
Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years:
- We have a sports infra-structure in place, including competitive and non-competitive links in the local area.
- The purchase of additional resources will mean these are available for future cohorts of children.
- Some staff training, such as swimming coaching, will help to bring about sustainable, high quality sports instruction.
- A move towards a more active pedagogy, and embedding this practice across the school, will mean that this will become part of the school’s culture for years to come.
Below is the five key indicators that schools should expect to see improvements across and how we are currently working towards them.
Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
- By investing in a dedicated sports coach to lead and co-ordinate P.E we ensure all children receive at least 1 P.E lesson a week, as well as ensuring all children receive at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day as an average across the school week.
- By investing in new sports and playground equipment we ensure all children have the opportunity to engage with all areas of the P.E curriculum as well as participate in additional sports that they may not have played before.
- We offer a wide range of after-school sports clubs for all children, such as, multi-skills, dodgeball and cross-country.
- We have sports leaders in Year 5 and 6 who help decide on which sporting activities to have on the playground and lead playground games.
- We provide all children with the opportunity to swim with a swim teacher who leads the sessions with support from trained teaching assistants.
Key Indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
- We currently hold the “Gold” School Games Award and ensure we promote their 6 Sporting Spirits (Teamwork, Honesty, Respect, Determination, Self-Belief and Passion) both in P.E lessons and in all competitions.
- We participate in competitions across Yeovil through the “Yeovil School Games Association.
- We are currently the South Somerset 2024 Dodgeball champions.
- We provide weekly certificates in recognition of Sporting Spirits and intra-school competitions.
Key Indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
- Our staff undertake appropriate CPD training as necessary: for example, swimming CPD to help assist in the teaching of swimming.
- Having a dedicated sports coach also allows for other members of staff to observe and join in with P.E lessons to further their own development.
- Our staff also research and keep up to date with the latest developments in P.E teaching to ensure our provision is at the expected standard and is inclusive, motivating and engaging.
Key Indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
- Investing into the Yeovil School Games Association has allowed our pupils to participate in a range of competitive sports and other sporting opportunities.
- Our wide range of equipment allows our pupils to experience sports they may not have played before, such as: dodgeball, curling, boccia, archery and table tennis.
- Volunteers help provide experiences that school staff are not so confident in or had no experience in, for example: Country Dancing.
- We provide all children with the opportunity to swim with a swim teacher who leads the sessions with support from trained teaching assistants.
Key Indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport
- Since the return of inter-school competitive sports (post Covid 19) we have provided all of our children (who are eligible) with the opportunity to compete and represent the school in competitions for their age.
- Investing in the Yeovil School Games Association has helped provide children with these opportunities.
- Our pupils have competed in the regional Dodgeball competition- where they finished 4th.
- All children are given the opportunity to attend all after-school clubs.
- All children are encouraged to participate in the sporting activities provided at break and lunch times.
- Intra-school competitions are used in P.E to help develop a healthy attitude towards competition.