Religious Education
Our RE Subject leadership is shared
At West Coker Primary School Primary School we aim to develop in our children a deeper understanding of the world and their place within it. This means we wish for them to gain a spiritual understanding of the world so they can appreciate and respect all life and peoples, regardless of differences. By teaching the Awareness, Mystery and Values agreed syllabus, we intend for all children who come to West Coker Primary School to leave with an understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus, and to have explored the similarities and differences between Christianity and other world faiths and beliefs. We want all children to be given the chance to develop their own spirituality enabling them to take interest and delight in the world around them.
Religious Education is taught each week using the Somerset agreed syllabus, ‘Awareness, Mystery and Value’. This is supported through the use of the ‘Understanding Christianity’ resource materials.
In Key Stage 1, Christianity and Judaism are the principal religions studied.
In Key Stage 2 Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam are the principal religions studied
Classroom learning is reinforced through Collective Worship and visits to West Coker Church where children participate in church services through singing and reading prayers.
RE assessment is ongoing to inform teachers with their planning, lesson activities and differentiation and of the improvements or skills that still need to be embedded. We aim for children to understand the relevance of what they are learning within RE and to enjoy their experiences within school ensuring that they develop a more spiritual sense of self and of their place in the world around them.